Welcome to the ARV Computer Club website. Our aim is to provide services and assistance for residents of ARV Villages at Castle Hill and Glenhaven Green.
​Members can find information about obtaining assistance with the use of devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones and other technological devices used in daily living. We also can help with understanding how to use the internet for obtaining information about government services, health and fitness, online libraries and church services etc. Members and guests also benefit from regular seminars on topical subjects.
Join our Computer Club to stay up to date with how technology can assist you in your daily living.
Click here to read an account of the Club from its beginnings in 1999 to the present day.
This web site is reference point for information that users might find helpful.
Navigation is via series of easy to use menus / sub-menus that can direct you to the information you might be seeking. For example:
menu is titled "ClubRooms" which displays a number of clickable actions (sub menus).
one of the sub-menus might be titled "The Gatehouse Sessions" which shows Saturday morning seminars.