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Computer Club AGM
What is the Committee?
The ARV CC Committee has the responsibility of making sure the club runs in a way that gives the greatest benefit to
all its members. All committee members are volunteers from either a Castle Hill Village or Glenhaven Green village. The
Committee operates under the ARV Computer Club Constitution. A copy can be downloaded from this link.
How do I nominate for a Committee Position?
Before each Annual General Meeting (AGM) there is a call for nominations to the committee and on the nomination form
different committee roles are detailed. Anyone can be nominated for the committee if they believe they have skill useful
to the position they have chosen. We encourage anyone with appropriate skills to consider standing for a committee
position. It is important to realise that we need a range of skills, not just in computing and technology. You can
download a copy of a nomination form from this page to read about the positions. Note that an updated nomination
form will be issued just before the next AGM.
How are nominees chosen?
The Committee has a maximum of 20 persons sitting in any one year. Unless there are more than the required number
of people for each position, nominees are directly appointed. Where more than one person nominates for a single
position, a vote is taken by the outgoing committee to decide the outcome.
How long does a nominee serve on Committee?
All positions are declared vacant during the AGM and nominations for the next 12 months are considered. Thus anyone
can serve a minimum of 12 months and continue in service with continuing nomination.
2025 Committee Members
You may contact a committee member through the club by phone or email.
The contact details are listed in the footer below.
Just leave a message and they will reply during Club business hours.
Name Position Responsibilities
Brian President The overall management and direction of the Club activities and services
Neil Vice President Organisation and management of Club & deputise for President if needed
David Secretary Manage Club Administration
Elizabeth Treasurer Manage the Club's finances and financial records
Geoff Membership Manage membership and the website
Ruth Reception Reception Desk, Bookings, Payments and Office Support
Merilyn Supplies Managing Club Office Supplies
Clare Catering Arranging catering for club events
Chris Reception Reception Desk, Bookings, Payments and Office Support
Melanie Welfare Supporting Club members managing illness
John Genealogy Providing expert advice on family history research
Rita Reception Reception Desk, Bookings, Payments and Office Support
Jan Village Rep Representing club issues to or from Glenhaven Green
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