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Computer Club AGM


Reference Sites.

This is a PDF document that lists websites that are used to check information so that the club can provide accurate and up to date information to members. The document will be updated from time to time as needed to keep up with all relevant technologies and recommendations.


This information is provided so members can have confidence in Computer Club advice and so that the original sources may be accessed for further information if desired.


The document can be downloaded to read on screen or printed by clicking the Reference Links box below. Note that when the file is downloaded, the various links in this document will work and redirect an enquirer to the selected Web Site.


There are cases where members of the Committee or Tech Mates will provide an opinion based on their own experience as this may be the most practical way to provide an answer to a member problem.

Contact the ARV Computer Club

By Phone: 8853 1810

By Email:

Opening times:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00 am - 12 noon


Bradford Rooms, Ground Floor Lober House


Anglicare Logo

Updated :14/3/2025   6.30 pm

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